C&S Asset Management’s dedicated team makes trading decisions based on our thorough analysis of historical data. Our investment team bases its trading method on the proven analysis of seasonal long-term trends and short-term market volatility. Our knowledge allows us to closely follow current trends and accurately spot short-term trend breaks and market reversals. Our method has delivered success with 82 per cent of our trades being profitable. As part of our trading procedure, our robot takes automated partial targets, and one of our team secrets are trailing stop-loss to secure the investment as soon as every trade returns profitable. Whenever we experience trade losses, we employ multiple recovery strategies in order to turn a loss around into a healthy profit.
Financial Markets

Two separate Service plans are offered by C&S asset management. Our basic plan consists of a real-time copier-receiver service that provides copied trades on the spot via our services. Members receive weekly assessments on Saturdays as well. We offer further training opportunities for our advanced members as well. Our team operates at three shifts between 5:30 and 23:00, scans the market on an ongoing basis, taking the opportunities for entry and exit. Our trading horizons vary from one day to a maximum of four days.

The quality of the investment team is the cornerstone of intelligent asset management. Our trading experts can also be engaged to train our clients. Our team regularly organizes workshops based on technical analysis on our business principles and methods. Advanced members of C&S Asset Management receive a three-day training program training them in our trading philosophy.

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